Mikroknytes Konsumer Activity Poster
»board of knytes 



—see more photos—

10.08.2006 Circuits
04.08.2006 Tommys
09.26.2005 Pacific NW
09.20.2003 Circuits
04.19.2003 E.Possible
11.29.2002 EC ART-O
08.01.2002 Circuits
01.22.2002 EC 2002
08.19.2001 Berwick
08.01.2001 EC Tour
04.21.2001 Digiknytes
06.24.2000 Konsumer«



The rotating photo bubble below was shot at our Konsumer Activity show we performed in 2000. Redknyte gives us his afterthoughts of the show.


Mikroknytes Konsumer Activity sound presentation
an audio simulation of the present-day marketplace

Saturday June 24th, 2pm, 2000
Now Music and Fashion

Recordings of marketplace activity, filtered "currency
Environments" and sampled "exchange ratios"…
midi control devices, software modular synthesis,
pre-recorded IDM techno, digitally manipulated field
** see the equipment diagram


RedKnyte's afterthoughts:
Performing for 2.5 hours was a new experience for me. I'm sure it was a little old hat for Derek with his DJ'ing experience. Overall I liked it, but it sure did drain a lot of energy out of me. And I had to rely on Derek to do the majority of the work - samples, cds, sequences, beats, etc. This was in part because I didn't play any violin during this show.

I'm also happy with the music we performed. The Mikroknytes certainly have evolved quite a bit since our early days when we actually played most of the notes. Now we rely more on bringing in and out samples, beats, loops, etc. while coloring them with effects. While I think there are some advantages to our original approach I'm happy with the direction we've taken. And certainly the style was successful during the Konsumer Activity show.

Something that keeps our music (somewhat) interesting for 2.5 hours is our significant variety of sound sources we use (see diagram to see Mikroknytes setup). This translates into a dynamic, varying sound. However I would have liked to do more with our microphone setups. We had two placed in the store. One placed near the store's cash register which provided a rich sound texture (drenched with digital delay), but too infrequent. And the other was a pzm placed on a window near the door. We were originally hoping this would provide us with a nice feedback loop, but it never became a significant part of our performance. To achieve what I was hoping to achieve we probably should have been more creative with our pzm placement, but perhaps we could have use more mics (of course a mixer with more channels would have been necessary). Perhaps the next time we use mics for a performance we'll take these issues into consideration.

The other missing element in the Mikroknytes show - which was fine - was my violin. One Mikroknytes fan complained during the show that I wasn't playing any violin. I promised her I would play my violin throughout the next Mikroknytes set. Apparently my violin playing to her is the highlight of any Mikroknytes performance!