Mikroknytes - Sess-supastreng, mixed right before their Pacific Northwest Tour of 2005
—see more photos—

10.08.2006 Circuits
04.08.2006 Tommys
09.26.2005 Pacific NW«
09.20.2003 Circuits
04.19.2003 E.Possible
11.29.2002 EC ART-O
08.01.2002 Circuits
01.22.2002 EC 2002
08.19.2001 Berwick
08.01.2001 EC Tour
04.21.2001 Digiknytes
06.24.2000 Konsumer


PHOTOS - Pacific Northwest 2005
UPDATED 9/2005
John Coursey aka Redknyte, Last days in Kavekavity Takoma Park

Derek Morton at Point Reyes National Seashore

In September 2005 the Mikroknytes decided it was time for a vacation out West to visit friends and try a few gigs. The schedule included shows in Oakland, Portland, and Vancouver, unfortunately Seattle never materialized. With a stay that lasted almost two weeks, Derek and John had plenty of time to record shop, drink beer, soak in the scenery. Take a look see at how the trip went....
First Pic: Redknyte tweaks his sampler skills in Kavekavity Takoma Park. This would be one of the very last times the Mikroknytes practiced together in Kavekavity Takoma Park before they shut down the studio.
Second Pic: Commie64 breathing in the fresh Pacifc air on Muclures Beach at Point Reyes National Seashore in California.
The Wall of Vintage Board games

'Knytes stayed with Jim and Martha in San Francisco, who have an awesome sense of style, see the wonderful wall of cool vintage board games. Their whole house is decorated with all kinds of retro-kitsch and nifty art projects it was like sleeping in some hip gallery installation.
Jim, Redknyte's brother, demonstrating his percussion skillz

One day, these drums will appear on a Mikroknytes record. Jim, John's brother, has been studying the tabla for over 7 years and kicks major indian percussion ass. Just wait... you will see.

Redknyte laptops it during a practice before the first show in Oakland. Aerial photo by Jim.
Rednyte Laptop'in

Another nifty angle, this time Jim catches Commie64 in action.
Mikroknytes at Klub Wood Not Die

Mikroknytes at Klub Wood Not Die aka Ryan of Sixes House. A super great place play and see the NOISE! Phroq, Stimbox, Xome, Tralphaz, Mid-Might, Pedestrian Deposit and Oscillating Innards were also on the bill that evening.
Bathroom at Club Wood Not Die

The loo at Klub Wood Not Die, dig the oil paintings.
A Very Big Tree located at Avenue of the Giants

A huge Redwood tree located halfway between San Francisco and Portland at a place called Avenue of the Giants. How often does one meet something that is still living and breathing after 2500 years.
Knytes performed at this space-aged lounge known as Apotheke

Knytes performed at this space-aged lounge known as Apotheke. Thanks to Dan, Paul and Caleb for setting up the show. Knytes shared the bill Dizzystarhouse.
Disjecta in Portland

The next four pictures are from a show at in Portland at Disjecta on September 7th. The first picture on the left was taken on the rooftop. The line up included Caroliner, Hans Grusels Kranken Kabinet, Sixes, Gerritt, Jackie-O-Motherfucker, God.
Gerritt just before he blows out PA and what was to be a less than 20 second set.

Gerritt just before he blows out the PA and what was to be a less than 20 second set.
Ryan aka Sixes is in drone mode.

Ryan aka Sixes is in drone mode.
Caroliner glows psychedelic photo-fluorescent and punks out to surrealistic art damaged punk rock

Caroliner glows psychedelic photo-fluorescent and punks out to surrealistic art damaged punk rock.
'Knytes have no show in Seattle but Commie64 checks out an improv show with Marcus Schmickler and Thomas Lehn at Gallery 1412

'Knytes have no show in Seattle but Commie64 checks out an improv show with Marcus Schmickler and Thomas Lehn at Gallery 1412
Black Kitty poses for a picture in Seattle.

Black Kitty poses for a picture in Seattle.
The Knytes last Pacific coast performance was at The Butchershop Gallery in Vancouver British Columbia.

The Knytes last Pacific coast performance was at The Butchershop Gallery in Vancouver British Columbia.
Anyone seen a lost Chihuahua?

Anyone seen a Chihuahua?